simplifies the language of each clause to make it super easy to understand. You can now sign each document with confidence, fully understanding the legal points and details.
Ask any question
Confused about something? You can now talk to your document and ask it any question so you can fully understand the most important details.
Legal jargon is hard enough to understand as it is, so let translate your contracts into your own language so you can really understand what you're reading.
Security has been developed in line with ISO27001 practices. All of your data is securely stored in the cloud with AWS.
We never submit a full document to ChatGPT (everything is cut into clauses and submitted separately) and ChatGPT does not use your data for training purposes. You can find more info here. All of your data is wiped from their systems after 30 days
We will be taking further steps soon to ensure you feel even more protected as we grow the platform.
How do you use AI?
What document formats can be uploaded?
Does this replace my lawyer?
What are our security standards?
What types of legal documents can we help you with?